I Hate You in Tagalog

A Filipino or a Filipina did something really bad to you, so...

How to say "I hate you" in Tagalog?

It's really difficult to find a direct translation from the English, but if you insist of having a phrase, then go with Kinamumuhian kita. The root word is muhi meaning "to detest."

Other alternatives:
Ayoko sa iyo.
I don't like you.

  Galit ako sa iyo.
I'm angry at you.

  Kinasusuklaman kita.
I loathe you.

Source: Tagalog to English

Ok, "hate' is a very strong emotion.

Most of the time when we tell someone we hate them, it's more of a joke. That's especially true in American culture.

In Philippine culture, the equivalent of "I hate you" in terms of conveying the serious emotion is Galit ako sa iyo (I'm angry at you).

Kinasusuklaman kita (I loathe you) is pretty melodramatic. It's a phrase you're likely only to hear in a soap opera. 

- TagalogLang.com